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Materials Project Formation Energy Distribution

MP has a curious bimodality in its formation energies. Considering the formation energies are the result of a carefully fitted correction scheme (see pymatgen.entries.compatibility.MaterialsProject2020Compatibility) that depends mainly on the composition of a compound, let's look at which elements dominate the upper and lower modes.

!pip install pymatviz
import warnings

import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.io as pio
from mp_api.client import MPRester

from pymatviz import count_elements, ptable_heatmap_plotly, set_plotly_template
from pymatviz.enums import Key

__author__ = "Janosh Riebesell"
__date__ = "2022-08-11"

pio.renderers.default = "png"

Check if all of MP has a bi-modal formation energy distribution. Short answer: yes it does.

# Set environment variable "MP_API_KEY"
e_form_col = "formation_energy_per_atom"
fields = [Key.mat_id, Key.formula_pretty, e_form_col, "energy_type"]

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "No Pauling electronegativity for", UserWarning)

e_form_all_mp = MPRester(use_document_model=False).materials.thermo.search(
    # thermo_types=["GGA_GGA+U_R2SCAN"],
Retrieving ThermoDoc documents:   0%|          | 0/341314 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
df_e_form = pd.DataFrame(e_form_all_mp).set_index(Key.mat_id)
df_e_form = df_e_form.rename(columns={"formula_pretty": Key.formula})
formula formation_energy_per_atom energy_type
mp-632401 B 0.291536 GGA
mp-1180008 O2 0.418581 GGA
mp-1180064 O2 0.385741 GGA
mp-1094120 Nb 0.189748 GGA
mp-1244987 Zn 0.058375 GGA
mp-1245093 Zn 0.055069 GGA
mp-1245184 Zn 0.048852 GGA
mp-1245266 Zn 0.052316 GGA
mp-640416 Rb 0.056728 GGA
mp-656615 Rb 0.022943 GGA
# cache MP data
%store df_e_form

# load cached MP data
# %store -r df_e_form
Stored 'df_e_form' (DataFrame)
GGA       186878
GGA+U      82970
R2SCAN     69409
Name: count, dtype: int64
df_e_form_gga_only = df_e_form.query("energy_type in ('GGA', 'GGA+U')")
expected = 121_555
if len(df_e_form_gga_only) != expected:
    print(f"{expected=} GGA & GGA+U entries, got {len(df_e_form_gga_only)}")
expected=121555 GGA & GGA+U entries, got 269848
for energy_type, df_e_type in [
    ("GGA & GGA+U", df_e_form_gga_only),
    fig = ptable_heatmap_plotly(df_e_type[Key.formula])
    title = f"{len(df_e_type):,} {energy_type} entries"
    fig.layout.title = dict(text=title, x=0.4, y=0.94, font=dict(size=20))
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No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
labels = {
    "formation_energy_per_atom": "Formation Energy [eV/atom]",
    "count": "Number of Entries",
for energy_type, df_e_type in [
    ["all together", df_e_form],
    ["GGA & GGA+U (no r2SCAN)", df_e_form_gga_only],
    fig = px.histogram(
        df_e_type.query(f"-5 < {e_form_col} < 5"),
        range_x=(-5, 3),
    title = f"{energy_type}: {len(df_e_type):,} entries"
    fig.layout.title = dict(text=title, x=0.5)

    # add vertical line at valley of GGA & GGA+U bimodal distribution
    if energy_type == "GGA & GGA+U (no r2SCAN)":
        e_form_valley = -1.35
        anno = dict(
            text=f"{e_form_valley} eV/atom",
            font=dict(size=14, color="orange"),
            e_form_valley, line=dict(color="orange", dash="dash"), annotation=anno

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No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image

Plot element heatmap for GGA and GGA+U entries above and below e_form_valley.

for comparator, label in ((">", "higher"), ("<=", "lower")):
    df_query = df_e_form_gga_only.query(f"{e_form_col} {comparator} {e_form_valley}")
    fig = ptable_heatmap_plotly(df_query[Key.formula])
    title = (
        f"Elements in {len(df_query):,} {label} mode MP entries "
        f"({comparator} {e_form_valley} eV/atom)<br><br>"
    title += "<br>".join(
        f"{e_type}: {cnt:,}"
        for e_type, cnt in df_query.energy_type.value_counts().items()

    fig.layout.title = dict(text=title, x=0.4, y=0.94)
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No description has been provided for this image

Looks like the lower mode is mostly oxides, whereas the higher mode is more diverse also containing many nitrides, sulfides and selenides.

Another way to visualize this are bar charts.

for comparator, label in ((">", "higher"), ("<=", "lower")):
    sub_formulas = df_e_form_gga_only.query(
        f"formation_energy_per_atom {comparator} {e_form_valley}"
    elem_counts = count_elements(sub_formulas, fill_value=0)
    fig = px.bar(elem_counts.nlargest(20))
    title = f"{label.title()} mode {comparator} {e_form_valley} eV/atom"
    fig.layout.update(title=dict(text=title, x=0.5), showlegend=False, margin_t=35)
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No description has been provided for this image

This significant lowering of oxide formation energies compared to other anions might at least partially be an artifact of too little experimental data outside oxide systems. In other words, perhaps there should be stronger corrections applied to nitrides, selenides, etc. as well but because there's insufficient experimental data to fit a robust correction scheme there, MP doesn't.