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Materials Project Element Distribution by Arity

# dash needed for interactive plots
!pip install pymatviz dash
import dash
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.io as pio
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
from mp_api.client import MPRester

from pymatviz import count_elements, ptable_heatmap, ptable_heatmap_plotly
from pymatviz.enums import Key

__author__ = "Janosh Riebesell"
__date__ = "2022-07-21"

# Interactive plotly figures don't show up on GitHub.
# https://github.com/plotly/plotly.py/issues/931
# change renderer from "svg" to "notebook" to get hover tooltips back
# (but blank plots on GitHub!)
pio.renderers.default = "png"
print(", ".join(MPRester().materials.summary.available_fields))
builder_meta, nsites, elements, nelements, composition, composition_reduced, formula_pretty, formula_anonymous, chemsys, volume, density, density_atomic, symmetry, property_name, material_id, deprecated, deprecation_reasons, last_updated, origins, warnings, structure, task_ids, uncorrected_energy_per_atom, energy_per_atom, formation_energy_per_atom, energy_above_hull, is_stable, equilibrium_reaction_energy_per_atom, decomposes_to, xas, grain_boundaries, band_gap, cbm, vbm, efermi, is_gap_direct, is_metal, es_source_calc_id, bandstructure, dos, dos_energy_up, dos_energy_down, is_magnetic, ordering, total_magnetization, total_magnetization_normalized_vol, total_magnetization_normalized_formula_units, num_magnetic_sites, num_unique_magnetic_sites, types_of_magnetic_species, k_voigt, k_reuss, k_vrh, g_voigt, g_reuss, g_vrh, universal_anisotropy, homogeneous_poisson, e_total, e_ionic, e_electronic, n, e_ij_max, weighted_surface_energy_EV_PER_ANG2, weighted_surface_energy, weighted_work_function, surface_anisotropy, shape_factor, has_reconstructed, possible_species, has_props, theoretical, database_IDs
PMG_MAPI_KEY = "your Materials Project API key"

with MPRester(use_document_model=False) as mpr:
    mp_data = mpr.materials.summary.search(
        # num_elements=(None, 4),  # 4 or less elements
        fields=[Key.mat_id, Key.formula_pretty, "nelements"]
Retrieving SummaryDoc documents:   0%|          | 0/153235 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
df_mp = pd.DataFrame(map(dict, mp_data)).set_index("material_id")
# uncomment line to cache large MP data
# %store df_mp

# uncomment line to load cached MP data from disk
%store -r df_mp
Stored 'df_mp' (DataFrame)
elem_counts_by_arity = {
    label: count_elements(df_mp.query(f"nelements == {idx}")[Key.formula_pretty])
    for idx, label in enumerate(["unary", "binary", "ternary", "quaternary"], 1)

compound_counts_by_arity = {
    key: (df_mp.nelements == idx).sum()
    for idx, key in enumerate(elem_counts_by_arity, 1)
for arity_label, elem_counts in elem_counts_by_arity.items():
    fig = ptable_heatmap(
        elem_counts, log=True, value_kwargs={"fontsize": 12}, return_type="figure"
    n_compounds = compound_counts_by_arity[arity_label]
        f"Element distribution of {n_compounds:,} {arity_label} compounds in "
        "Materials Project",
/Users/yang/developer/pymatviz/pymatviz/ptable/ptable_matplotlib.py:225: UserWarning:

Elements dropped due to close to zero value.

/Users/yang/developer/pymatviz/pymatviz/ptable/ptable_matplotlib.py:225: UserWarning:

Elements dropped due to close to zero value.

/Users/yang/developer/pymatviz/pymatviz/ptable/ptable_matplotlib.py:225: UserWarning:

Elements dropped due to close to zero value.

/Users/yang/developer/pymatviz/pymatviz/ptable/ptable_matplotlib.py:225: UserWarning:

Elements dropped due to close to zero value.

No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
arity_figs = {}
for arity_label, elem_counts in elem_counts_by_arity.items():
    fig = ptable_heatmap_plotly(
        hover_props=["atomic_number", "type"],
    n_compounds = compound_counts_by_arity[arity_label]

    title = (
        f"<b>Element distribution of {n_compounds:,} <i>{arity_label}</i> compounds<br>"
        "in Materials Project</b>"
    fig.layout.title = dict(text=title, x=0.45, y=0.93)
    arity_figs[arity_label] = fig
    # fig.show()  # uncomment to show plotly figures
app = dash.Dash(prevent_initial_callbacks=True)

graph = dash.dcc.Graph(figure=fig, id="ptable-heatmap", responsive=True)
dropdown = dash.dcc.Dropdown(
        dict(label=arity_label, value=arity_label)
        for arity_label in elem_counts_by_arity
    style=dict(width="15em", position="absolute", top="15%", left="30%"),
    placeholder="Select arity",
main_layout = dash.html.Div([graph, dropdown], style=dict(fontFamily="sans-serif"))
app.layout = main_layout

@app.callback(Output(graph.id, "figure"), Input(dropdown.id, "value"))
def update_figure(dropdown_value: str) -> go.Figure:
    """Update figure based on dropdown value."""
    return arity_figs[dropdown_value]

app.run(debug=True, mode="inline")